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Судебная практика. ВС РФ счел неправомерным отказ учреждения предоставить спортсменке квартиру. (02 март 2025)

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Topic-icon Подача деклараций иностранцами: нюансы

6 года 11 мес. назад #16366

Based on the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1092 of 25.12.2009, in 2018, receive compensation payments on deposits placed in the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation before 1991, possibly by citizens of the Russian Federation.

I draw your attention to the fact that the right to receive compensation is provided by: depositors until 1991, heirs of Sberbank's clients born before 1991, heirs or individuals who paid ritual services in case of death in 2001-2018. depositor.

In order to receive compensation, the depositor must complete the application and provide it to the nearest branch of the bank along with a passport and a savings book.

If the heir applies for money, then, in addition to the application, it is necessary to produce the following documents: a passport; a document confirming the right to inheritance; certificate of death of the owner of deposits; a document confirming that the depositor at the time of death was a citizen of the Russian Federation; savings book.

In the event that personal compensation can not be obtained personally, a citizen of the Russian Federation at the place of his stay can place a power of attorney in the Consulate of the Russian Federation on a particular individual whom he trusts by sending these documents to him to receive compensation payments and the subsequent transfer of funds to the heir.

Dear visitors of the site if you have any questions on the above problem or need legal advice, write to me on the site or call Viber and WhatsApp call free.

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6 года 11 мес. назад #16367

You can help to clarify the relationship receive a certificate from the archives of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Thanks in advance to AlexanderMartin

Alexander, hello! Obtaining such a certificate is possible on a lawyer request. For this you need to send me an e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. Your data, address of residence in the host country, as well as information about the citizen or citizen Name, date, month and year of birth (all that is known) and what information must be obtained from a personal file. For example information about the mother or father of the year and the place of birth of a nationality, who parents their nationality.

The requested information is confidential, so we will send a correspondence by e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.

Dear visitors of the site! In this topic, I previously reported on the procedure for providing a public service for the issuance of various certificates. Please carefully read the answers.

If someone does not understand the procedure for obtaining the relevant certificates by a foreign citizen or a stateless person, an appeal procedure for the actions (inaction) of officials, as well as decisions made by them when providing a public service, or additional legal advice is required, legal assistance on this issue, write to me on the website or specifically to E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. or call Viber and WhatsApp the call is free.

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6 года 10 мес. назад #16368

Vous pouvez aider à clarifier la relation recevoir un certificat des archives du ministère de la Défense de la Fédération de Russie. Merci d'avance à AlexanderMartin

Alexander, bonjour! L'obtention d'un tel certificat est possible sur demande d'un avocat. Pour cela, vous avez besoin de mon e-mail : Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. vos données, lieu de résidence dans le pays d'accueil, ainsi que des informations sur le citoyen ou le nom du citoyen, la date, le mois et l'année de naissance (tout ce qui est connu) et l'information doit être obtenu à partir d'un fichier personnel. Par exemple des informations sur la mère ou le père de l'année et le lieu de naissance nationalité, qui sont les parents de leur nationalité.

Linformation demandées est confidentielle, de sorte que la conversation sera effectuée par e-mail : Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.
Chers visiteurs du site! Dans ce sujet, j'ai déjà rendu compte de la procédure de fourniture d'un service public pour la délivrance de divers certificats. S'il vous plaît, lisez attentivement les réponses.

Si quelqu'un ne comprend pas l'ordre de réception des certificats correspondants par une personne ressortissant étranger ou un apatride, les procédures faisant appel (ou l'inaction) des fonctionnaires, ainsi que leurs décisions dans la fourniture de services publics ou besoin de conseils plus juridiques, des conseils juridiques sur ces problèmes me contacter sur le site ou plus précisément sur le E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. ou appelez Viber et WhatsApp appel est gratuit.


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6 года 9 мес. назад #16393

V.Putin reduced the terms of entering into the inheritance

To join the rights of the owner of the hereditary fund, the Russian citizens will not have to wait six months. Notaries will conduct all necessary procedures immediately after the death of the founder.

The corresponding law was signed on Wednesday by Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to the Kremlin website.

The law passed by the State Duma on May 15 and approved by the Federation Council on May 16 is aimed at bringing certain legislative acts in line with the Federal Law "On Amending Part One, Two and Three of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation."

The document specifies the procedure for registration in the unified informational system of the notary of actions for the certification or cancellation of the will or power of attorney, as well as the procedure for determining the content of the will.

In addition, the order of actions of the notary is determined upon detection in the system of information about the preparation by the testator of the will, the conditions of which provide for the creation of an inheritance fund.

Source: news.rambler.ru/money/39922340-putin-sok...news&utm_term=clid_m

P.s. Dear visitors of the site if you have any questions on the above problem or need legal advice, write to me on the site or call Viber and WhatsApp, call free.

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6 года 9 мес. назад #16394

V.Putin réduit les conditions d'entrée dans l'héritage

Pour l'entrée dans les droits du propriétaire du fonds héréditaire Russes n'attendre six mois. Les notaires mèneront toutes les procédures nécessaires immédiatement après la mort du fondateur.

La loi en question a été signé mercredi le président russe Vladimir Poutine, selon le site du Kremlin.

La loi, adoptée par la Douma d'Etat le 15 mai et approuvé par le Conseil de la Fédération le 16 mai vise à apporter certains actes législatifs dans le respect de la loi fédérale « sur les modifications à la partie de la première, deuxième et troisième du Code civil.

Le document spécifie l'ordre d'enregistrement en une seule action à Informsystema certification notaire ou de révoquer un testament ou par procuration, ainsi que d'établir l'ordre du contenu Wills.

En outre, l'ordre est déterminé par l'intervention notaire sur les informations du système de la préparation du testateur de la volonté, les modalités prévoient la mise en place de la fondation héréditaire.

Source: news.rambler.ru/money/39922340-putin-sok...news&utm_term=clid_m

Post-scriptum Chers visiteurs, si vous avez des questions concernant le problème mentionné ci-dessus, ou besoin de conseils, s'il vous plaît me contacter sur le site ou appelez Viber et WhatsApp appel est gratuit.

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6 года 9 мес. назад #16397

Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2018 No. 21-P "On the case on the verification of constitutionality of paragraphs 1 and 3 of Article 8 of the Federal Law" On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation "in connection with the complaint of the citizen of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Nguyen Chong Hai"

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation: the formalities are not a reason for refusing a foreigner who lives in Russia for a long time to extend the residence permit.

A foreign citizen who has lived in our country for a long time and who did not renew his residence permit in a timely manner challenged a number of provisions of the Law on the Legal Status of Aliens in Russia.
In particular, we are talking about the provisions on the basis of which the question of the possibility of restoring a foreigner's missed deadline for filing an application for the extension of a residence permit is being decided.
According to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, these provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation do not contradict.
They do not exclude the possibility for the court reviewing the case to appeal against the refusal of the migration body to accept the said application because of missing the deadline for its submission, not limiting itself to ascertaining the formal conformity of the refusal to the law and specifying the by-law.
The condition is that between Russia and a foreign citizen a stable relationship has developed due to its long, considerably exceeding single validity of the residence permit here on legal grounds.

Source: www.garant.ru/hotlaw/federal/1198953/

P.s. Dear visitors of the site, I believe that the attached document will help certain foreign citizens, it allows to restore the missed deadline for filing an application for the extension of the residence permit. Several years ago, even with good reasons, this can not be done.

Based on their practice: A foreign citizen, having a residence permit in Russia because of the operation of his wife and her rehabilitation, missed a 6-month period for filing documents for the extension of the residence permit. Presented documents on his wife's operations, marriage certificate, birth certificate of the child, rehabilitation, letters from the GKB, etc. did not help, a corresponding protocol was drawn up against the foreign citizen, fined, was forced to leave for home and after a while returned to the Russian Federation and again from scratch began to issue permits for residence in Russia.

Dear visitors of the site, if someone does not understand the position of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, or if there is a misunderstanding in the FMS on this issue, you need legal assistance, write to me on the site or call Viber and WhatsApp the call is free. If desired, we can meet in the bar and discuss the problem and what practical steps are needed to resolve your problem.

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