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Судебная практика. ВС РФ счел неправомерным отказ учреждения предоставить спортсменке квартиру. (02 март 2025)

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Topic-icon Dear Mr. Chumachenko, We are a Finnish company and are going to sign a…

  • Hatanpaa A.
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19 года 10 мес. назад #4556

Dear Mr. Chumachenko, We are a Finnish company and are going to sign a contract with a Russian company. According to the terms of the contract we will deliver our goods to the customs warehouse in St. Petersbourg, where a representative of the Russian partner will meet the goods and transfer them further to the goods warehouse in Omsk. It is stated in the draft of the contract, which is presented by our Russian partner, that the payment should be effected within two weeks after the goods are delivered to the warehouse in Omsk. For us this is acceptable, but we would like to foresee a kind of an additional guarantee of payment. What would you advice? Thanking you in advance. Sincerely, Anna Hatanpaa

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19 года 10 мес. назад #11264

Уважаемая г-жа Хатанпаа, Существует множество вариантов обезопасить себя. Например, можно предусмотреть обеспечительные меры (к примеру, залог). Если по какой-то причине это не очень удобно для сторон, то я бы посоветовал аккредитивную форму расчетов. Она широко применяется в международной торговле и достаточно четко урегулирована. Если Вам необходима консультация (в том числе письменная) по вопросам применения аккредитива, с удовольствием Вам помогу. Dear Ms. Hatanpaa, There are a lot of variants. For example, such security as welshing. If this is not acceptable or is inconvenient in relations between the parties, I would advice a letter of credit. This is widely used in international contracting and is rather strictly regulated. If you need a special consultation (also written) on the application of a letter of credit in contracts, please, don’t hesitate contacting me. Sincerely, Nikolay I. Chumachenko.

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