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Судебная практика. ВС РФ счел неправомерным отказ учреждения предоставить спортсменке квартиру. (02 март 2025)

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Topic-icon Good evening Nikolay! I want to write a complaint to the European Cour…

  • Germany, Karl
  • Germany, Karl аватар Автор темы
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13 года 6 мес. назад #6277

Good evening Nikolay! I want to write a complaint to the European Court of Human Rights? What do you think: how many pages should contain this complaint?

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13 года 6 мес. назад #12985

Hello Karl! You must understand that the protection of the human rights is the first priority for You, that’s why You should write and explain all breaches of You human rights. For all of my clients I give the counsel- write all of the breaches of their human rights. if you send more than 50 sheets, then, of course, the court may require from you a single form containing a summary of the relevant facts in chronological order and complaints to the consideration of which you insist. Remember that if the requested materials are received within the prescribed period by the Registry, then the complaint may be rejected as unfounded. If you want any help in representation of your interests in the European Court of Human Rights please call me. All my coordinates you may find on my Web site.

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