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Судебная практика. ВС РФ счел неправомерным отказ учреждения предоставить спортсменке квартиру. (02 март 2025)

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Topic-icon Good afternoon Nikolay. Should I pay any duty to the European Court of…

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13 года 6 мес. назад #6284

Good afternoon Nikolay. Should I pay any duty to the European Court of Human Rights ?

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13 года 6 мес. назад #12992

Appeal to the European Court of Human Rights is free. The costs in this case will only be for the services of a lawyer and postage costs. However, if the decision on your claim will be positive at your request, the Court may require the state to refund your expenses. Costs should not be excessive and must meet the criterion of reasonableness. I has the specialization in this this sphere and if you want, I may represent you interests in the European Court of Human Rights. If you want any help in representation of your interests in the European Court of Human Rights please call me. All my coordinates you may find on my Web site.

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